Results for 'is Just Caring Possible'

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  1. Julia Tao Lai po-wah.Is Just Caring Possible? Challenge to - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
  2. Julia Tao Lai Just Caring Possible - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 41.
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  3.  47
    Is Just War Possible?Christopher Finlay - 2018 - Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
    The idea that war is sometimes justified is deeply embedded in public consciousness. But it is only credible so long as we believe that the ethical standards of just war are in fact realizable in practice. In this engaging book, Christopher Finlay elucidates the assumptions underlying just war theory and defends them from a range of objections, arguing that it is a regrettable but necessary reflection of the moral realities of international politics. Using a range of historical and (...)
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    Just care: should doctors give priority to patients of low socioeconomic status?S. A. Hurst - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (1):7-11.
    Growing data on the socioeconomic determinants of health pose a challenge to analysis and application of fairness in health. In Just health: meeting health needs fairly, Norman Daniels argues for a change in the population end of our thinking about just health. What about clinical care? Given our knowledge of the importance of wealth, education or social status to health, is fairness in medicine served better by continuing to avoid considering our patients’ social status in setting clinical priorities, (...)
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    Just caring: Health reform and health care rationing.Leonard M. Fleck - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (5):435-443.
    Health reform must include health care rationing, both for reasons of fairness and efficiency. Few politicians are willing to accept this claim, including the Clinton Administration. Brown and others have argued that enormous waste and inefficiency must be wrung out of our health care system before morally problematic cost constraining options, such as rationing, can be justifiably adopted. However, I argue that most of the policies and practices that would diminish waste and inefficiency include implicit (and therefore morally problematic) rationing. (...)
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    How 'Decent'Is a Decent Minimum of Health Care?Ruud Ter Meulen - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (6):612-623.
    This article tries to analyze the meaning of a decent minimum of health care, by confronting the idea of decent care with the concept of justice. Following the ideas of Margalith about a decent society, the article argues that a just minimum of care is not necessarily a decent minimum. The way this minimum is provided can still humiliate individuals, even if the end result is the best possible distribution of the goods as seen from the viewpoint of (...)
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    How 'Decent' Is a Decent Minimum of Health Care?R. T. Meulen - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (6):612-623.
    This article tries to analyze the meaning of a decent minimum of health care, by confronting the idea of decent care with the concept of justice. Following the ideas of Margalith about a decent society, the article argues that a just minimum of care is not necessarily a decent minimum. The way this minimum is provided can still humiliate individuals, even if the end result is the best possible distribution of the goods as seen from the viewpoint of (...)
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  8. A Just Minimum of Health Care.Kenneth F. T. Cust - 1993 - Dissertation, Bowling Green State University
    This study addresses the question of justice in health care. Increasing numbers of Americans are uninsured, the cost of health care is escalating, and is projected to continue doing so. In response to these and other concerns, Americans have looked to their neighbor to the north, Canada, for possible help in treating the ills of America's health care system. In addition to offering a comparative analysis of the Canadian and American health care systems, we have sought to identify the (...)
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  9.  57
    Is there a moral obligation to conceive children under the best possible conditions? A preliminary framework for identifying the preconception responsibilities of potential parents.Pieter Bonte, Guido Pennings & Sigrid Sterckx - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):5.
    The preventative paradigm of preconception care is receiving increasing attention, yet its boundaries remain vague in three respects: temporally; agentially; and instrumentally. Crucially, it remains unclear just who is to be considered a ‘potential parent’, how soon they should take up preconception responsibilities, and how weighty their responsibilities should be.
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    Is ‘Closing the Gap’ Enough? Ngarrindjeri ontologies, reconciliation and caring for country.Daryle Rigney & Steve Hemming - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (5):536-545.
    This article is concerned with Ngarrindjeri nation building in the ‘contact zone’ with the Australian settler state by decentring the colonizer within a range of bureaucratic regimes. Ngarrindjeri engagement with natural resource and cultural heritage management will be used to illustrate the relationship between globalization, community governance, education, sustaining ‘culture’, Indigenous well-being, and reconciliation and its links to the Australian government Closing the Gap initiatives. This article connects Ngarrindjeri lived experience to the theorization of processes for self-recovery and social transformation (...)
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    Visibility and the just allocation of health care: A study of Age-Rationing in the British national Health Service.Robert Baker - 1993 - Health Care Analysis 1 (2):139-150.
    The British National Health Service (BNHS) was founded, to quote Minister of Health Aneurin Bevan, to ‘universalise the best’. Over time, however, financial constraints forced the BNHS to turn to incrementalist budgeting, to rationalise care and to ask its practitioners to act as gatekeepers. Seeking a way to ration scarce tertiary care resources, BNHS gatekeepers began to use chronological age as a rationing criterion. Age-rationing became the ‘done thing’ without explicit policy directives and in a manner largely invisible to patients, (...)
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    Just healthcare and human flourishing: Why resource allocation is not just enough.Jayne Hewitt - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):405-417.
    Over many years, different theories have been developed to guide the social practices and policies of institutions so that they demonstrate equal concern and respect for all, and satisfy the requirements of justice. Although the normative principles described in a theory may support just institutions, whether this results in just outcomes will depend on how the decisions that implement the principles are made and actioned. As a societal institution charged with caring for people, ensuring just outcomes (...)
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    Christopher Finlay, Is Just War Possible?Camilo Ardila - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (1):99-102.
  14.  28
    Engaging Gadamer and qualia for the mot juste of individualised care.Blake Peck & Jane Mummery - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (2):e12279.
    The cornerstone of contemporary nursing practice is the provision of individualised nursing care. Sustaining and nourishing the stream of research frameworks that inform individualised care are the findings from qualitative research. At the centre of much qualitative research practice, however, is an assumption that experiential understanding can be delivered through a thematisation of meaning which, it will be argued, can lead the researcher to make unsustainable assumptions about the relations of language and meaning‐making to experience. We will show that an (...)
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    The importance of developing care‐worker‐centered robotic aides in long‐term care.Iva Apostolova & Monique Lanoix - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (2):170-177.
    Recent research points to the fact that new medical technological innovations are just as relevant in the context of long‐term care or chronic care as they are in the context of acute care. In the spirit of the Nuffield Foundation recommendations, this paper explores the possibilities of using robotic aides in long‐term care and identifies the tensions that must be considered and addressed if robotics is to be introduced successfully in nursing homes. Our examination is two‐pronged. First, we delve (...)
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    Just Caring: Do Future Possible Children Have a Just Claim to a Sufficiently Healthy Genome?Leonard M. Fleck - 2002 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Margaret P. Battin & Anita Silvers (eds.), Medicine and Social Justice:Essays on the Distribution of Health Care: Essays on the Distribution of Health Care. Oup Usa. pp. 446.
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    (1 other version)What is Enough?: Sufficiency, Justice, and Health.Carina Fourie & Annette Rid (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press.
    What is a just way of spending public resources for health and health care? Several significant answers to this question are under debate. Public spending could aim to promote greater equality in health, for example, or maximize the health of the population, or provide the worst off with the best possible health. Another approach is to aim for each person to have "enough" so that her health or access to health care does not fall under a critical level. (...)
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  18.  29
    Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation by Anna Floerke Scheid.Ramon Luzarraga - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):212-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation by Anna Floerke ScheidRamon LuzarragaJust Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation Anna Floerke Scheid lanham, md: lexington books, 2015. 208 pp. $84.00Anna Floerke Scheid argues that the Christian just war and just peacemaking ethical traditions lack a comprehensive ethic for revolutionary nonviolent activity and warfare. She proposes to fill this (...)
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    Communities of Health Care Justice.Charlene Galarneau - 2016 - Rutgers University Press.
    The factions debating health care reform in the United States have gravitated toward one of two positions: that just health care is an individual responsibility or that it must be regarded as a national concern. Both arguments overlook a third possibility: that justice in health care is multilayered and requires the participation of multiple and diverse communities. _Communities of Health Care Justice_ makes a powerful ethical argument for treating communities as critical moral actors that play key roles in defining (...)
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    When Caring Is Just and Justice is Caring: Justice and Mental Retardation.Eva Feder Kittay - 2001 - Public Culture 13 (3):557-580.
    Among the various human forms alluded to in the Hebrew prayer, mental retardation appears to be one of the most difficult to celebrate. It is the disability that other disabled persons do not want attributed to them. It is the disability for which prospective parents are most likely to use selective abortion (Wertz 2000). And it is the disability that prompted one of the most illustrious United States Supreme Court Justices to endorse forced sterilization, because "three generations of imbeciles are (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Spaces of Possibility.Timothy Williamson - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 82:189-204.
    We care not just how things are but how they could have been otherwise – about possibility and necessity as well as actuality. Many philosophers regard such talk as beyond the reach of respectable science, since observation tells us how things are but not how they could have been otherwise. I argue that, on the contrary, such criticisms are ill-founded: possibility and necessity are studied in natural science, for example through phase spaces, abstract mathematical representations of the possible (...)
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    Taking ethics seriously: why ethics is an essential tool for the modern workplace.John Hooker - 2018 - Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book develops an intellectual framework for analyzing ethical dilemmas that is both grounded in theory and versatile enough to deal rigorously with real-world issues. It sees ethics as a necessary foundation for the social infrastructure that makes modern life possible, much as engineering is a foundation for physical infrastructure. It is not wedded to any particular ethical philosophy but draws from several traditions to construct a unified and principled approach to ethical reasoning. Rather than follow the common academic (...)
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    The patient perspective in health care networks.Kasper Raus, Eric Mortier & Kristof Eeckloo - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):52.
    Health care organization is entering a new age. Focus is increasingly shifting from individual health care institutions to interorganizational collaboration and health care networks. Much hope is set on such networks which have been argued to improve economic efficiency and quality of care. However, this does not automatically mean they are always ethically justified. A relevant question that remains is what ethical obligations or duties one can ascribe to these networks especially because networks involve many risks. Due to their often (...)
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    The ethics of concurrent care for children: A social justice perspective.Kim Mooney-Doyle, Jessica Keim-Malpass & Lisa C. Lindley - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1518-1527.
    Recent estimates indicate that over 40,000 children die annually in the United States and a majority have life-limiting conditions. Children at end of life require extensive healthcare resources, including multiple hospital readmissions and emergency room visits. Yet, many children still suffer from symptoms at end of life—including fatigue, pain, dyspnea, and anxiety—with less than 10% of these children utilizing hospice care services. A critical barrier to pediatric hospice use was the original federal regulations associated with the hospice care that required (...)
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    Primary Care Ethics is Just Medical Ethics: A Philosophical Argument for the Feasibility of Transitioning Acute Care Ethics to the Primary Care Setting.Stephen Perinchery-Herman - 2021 - HEC Forum 35 (1):73-94.
    Whether practiced by ethics committees or clinical ethicists, medical ethics enjoys a solid foundation in acute care hospitals. However, medical ethics fails to have a strong presence in the primary care setting. Recently, some ethicists have argued that the reason for this disparity between ethics in the acute and primary care setting is that primary care ethics is distinct from acute care ethics: the failure to translate ethics to the primary care setting stems from the incorrect belief that acute care (...)
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    Turtles Are Not Just Walking Stones: Conspicuous Coloration and Sexual Selection in Freshwater Turtles.Jindřich Brejcha & Karel Kleisner - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (2):247-266.
    Turtles are among the most intriguing amniotes but their communication and signaling have rarely been studied. Traditionally, they have been seen as basically just silent armored ‘walking stones’ with complex physiology but no altruism, maternal care, or aesthetic perception. Recently, however, we have witnessed a radical change in the perception of turtle behavioral and cognitive skills. In our study, we start by reviewing some recent findings pertaining to various highly developed behavioral and cognitive patterns with special emphasis on turtles. (...)
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    Dementia care, robot pets, and aliefs.Rhonda Martens & Christine Hildebrand - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):870-876.
    Studies have shown that using robot pets in dementia care contributes to a reduction in loneliness and anxiety, and other benefits. Studies also show that, even when people know they are dealing with robots, they often treat the robot as though it is a real pet with genuine emotions. This disconnect between beliefs and behavior occurs not just for people living with dementia, but with cognitively healthy adults, including those who are knowledgeable about how robots work. One possible (...)
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    Scope note 32: A just share: Justice and fairness in resource allocation.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Tina Darragh - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (1):81-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Just Share: Justice and Fairness in Resource Allocation*Pat Milmoe Mccarrick (bio) and Martina Darragh (bio)Each of us has some basic sense of what the words “fair” or “just” or “fairness” or “justice” mean. Each of us probably also has an idea of what is “fair” in health care. The attempt by the state of Oregon in the mid-1980s to quantify this notion made a previously private (...)
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    Improving Long‐Term Care by Finally Respecting Home‐Care Aides.Paul Osterman - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S3):67-70.
    The American system of long‐term care is disorganized and expensive. Obtaining care for a loved one is a confusing and difficult journey. When it comes to paying for that care, a bit over half who receive care are supported at least partially by insurance, and those with no insurance pay entirely out of pocket. The costs are exorbitant. What makes the system function is reliance on unpaid family members, who care for their loved ones often at considerable cost to themselves.As (...)
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    Who Cares About Young People? An Ethical Reflection on the Losses Suffered by Adolescents, Beyond Those of School and Education, During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gottfried Schweiger - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (1):33-48.
    Adolescence is a valuable phase of life, not just because it is the phase of learning in school and preparing for a working life. During the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that the rights, experiences, and lifeworlds of adolescents are considered less important than the needs of school, work, and productivity. However, there is an ethical claim for people to have a good adolescence, and this means that the losses of social contact, experiences, time, and space demanded of adolescents, (...)
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    Learning from My Daughter: The Value and Care of Disabled Minds.Eva Kittay & Eva Feder Kittay - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford UP.
    Does life have meaning? What is flourishing? How do we attain the good life? Philosophers, and many others of us, have explored these questions for centuries. As Eva Feder Kittay points out, however, there is a flaw in the essential premise of these questions: they seem oblivious to the very nature of the ways in which humans live, omitting a world of co-dependency, and of the fact that we live in and through our bodies, whether they are fully abled or (...)
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    “She Just Doesn’t Know Him Like We Do”: Illuminating Complexities in Surrogate Decision Making.Bryn S. Esplin & Margot M. Eves - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (4):350-354.
    When patients are not able to speak for themselves, surrogate decision makers are asked to guide treatment decisions and formulate a plan of care in accordance with what the patients would have wanted. This necessitates an exploration into the patients’ views about life and how it should be lived, how the patients constructed their identity or life story, and their attitudes towards sickness and suffering. When an individual appoints a surrogate, such as a healthcare power of attorney, a common presumption (...)
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    Feminist Morality and Competitive Reality: A Role for an Ethic of Care?Jeanne M. Liedtka - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):179-200.
    A language of care and relationship-building has recently appeared with prominence in the business literature, driven by the realities of the marketplace. Thus, it seems a propitious time to reflect on a decade of writing in feminist morality that has focussed on the concept of an ethic of care, and examine its relevance for today's business context. Is the idea of creating organizations that “care” just another management fad that subverts the essential integrity of concepts of ethical caring? (...)
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    Just Taxation in the Roman Catholic Tradition.Charles E. Curran - 1985 - Journal of Religious Ethics 13 (1):113 - 133.
    There is general agreement about the very broad outlines of a just tax structure in the Roman Catholic tradition, and these are sketched in part I. There has been, however, no sustained, systematic, in-depth treatment of the question. Part II develops those aspects of the Roman Catholic ethical tradition which ground a just tax structure-the role of the state in working for the common good, distributive justice with its proportional equality, the universal destiny of the goods of creation (...)
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    Cruel choices: Autonomy and critical care decision-making.Christopher Meyers - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (2):104–119.
    Although autonomy is clearly still the paradigm in bioethics, there is increasing concern over its value and feasibility. In agreeing with those concerns, I argue that autonomy is not just a status, but a skill, one that must be developed and maintained. I also argue that nearly all healthcare interactions do anything but promote such decisional skills, since they rely upon assent, rather than upon genuinely autonomous consent. Thus, throughout most of their medical lives, patients are socialised to be (...)
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    Is There just One Possible World? Contingency vs the Bootstrap.James T. Cushing - 1985 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (1):31.
  37.  64
    (1 other version)Just Caring: Defining a Basic Benefit Package.L. M. Fleck - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (6):589-611.
    What should be the content of a package of health care services that we would want to guarantee to all Americans? This question cannot be answered adequately apart from also addressing the issue of fair health care rationing. Consequently, as I argue in this essay, appeal to the language of "basic," "essential," "adequate," "minimally decent," or "medically necessary" for purposes of answering our question is unhelpful. All these notions are too vague to be useful. Cost matters. Effectiveness matters. The clinical (...)
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    Just caring: screening needs limits.Leonard Michael Fleck - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (4):253-254.
    This personal narrative tugs at the heart strings. However, personal narratives are not sufficient to justify public funding for any screening policy. We have to take seriously the ‘just caring’ problem. We have only limited resources to meet virtually unlimited health care needs. No doubt, screening tests often save lives. The author wants public funding for prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer. However, why only prostate cancer? Numerous cancers at various stages can be screened for. Are all of (...)
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  39. Reclaiming Care and Privacy in the Age of Social Media.Hugh Desmond - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92:45-66.
    Social media has invaded our private, professional, and public lives. While corporations continue to portray social media as a celebration of self-expression and freedom, public opinion, by contrast, seems to have decidedly turned against social media. Yet we continue to use it just the same. What is social media, and how should we live with it? Is it the promise of a happier and more interconnected humanity, or a vehicle for toxic self-promotion? In this essay I examine the very (...)
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    (1 other version)Conventional revolution: the ethical implications of the natural progress of neonatal intensive care to artificial wombs.Phillip Stefan Wozniak & Ashley Keith Fernandes - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e54-e54.
    Research teams have used extra-uterine systems to support premature fetal lambs and to bring them to maturation in a way not previously possible. The researchers have called attention to possible implications of these systems for sustaining premature human fetuses in a similar way. Some commentators have pointed out that perfecting these systems for human fetuses might alter a standard expectation in abortion practices: that the termination of a pregnancy also entails the death of the fetus. With Biobags, it (...)
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    Even when no one is looking: fundamental questions of ethical education.Jan Hábl - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    This book is not a list or an overview of various theories of ethics. Nor is it a didactic manual for specific teaching units on moral education aimed at some group based on age or a particular theme (although some educational frameworks will be proposed). As the title suggests, the book intends to seek the starting points or foundations without which no moral education would be possible. The goal is to formulate and tackle the key questions that precede all (...)
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    Globalization and health care: global justice and the role of physicians. [REVIEW]Rabee Toumi - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):71-80.
    In today’s globalized world, nations cannot be totally isolated from or indifferent to their neighbors, especially in regards to medicine and health. While globalization has brought prosperity to millions, disparities among nations and nationals are growing raising once again the question of justice. Similarly, while medicine has developed dramatically over the past few decades, health disparities at the global level are staggering. Seemingly, what our humanity could achieve in matters of scientific development is not justly distributed to benefit everyone. In (...)
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    Why Not Just Ask? Preferences, “Empirical Ethics” and the Role of Ethical Reflection.Daniel M. Hausman - unknown
    Many questions concerning health involve values. How well is a health system performing? How should resources be allocated between the health system and other uses or among competing healthrelated uses? How should the costs of health services be distributed among members of a population? Who among those in need of transplants should receive scarce organs? What is the best way to treat particular patients? Although many kinds of expertise bear on these questions, values play a large role in answering them. (...)
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  44. Physicians Should “Assist in Suicide” When it is Appropriate.Timothy E. Quill - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (1):57-65.
    In my career as a primary care physician and as a palliative care consultant, I have assisted many patients to die with their full consent. None of them wanted to die, and all would have chosen other paths had their disease not been so severe and irreversible. To a person, none of these patients thought of themselves as “suicidal,” and they would have found that label preposterous and demeaning. In fact, the kind of personal disintegration that the label implies is (...)
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    A new conceptualization of the nurse–patient relationship construct as caring interaction.Regina Allande Cussó, José Siles González, Diego Ayuso Murillo & Juan Gómez Salgado - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12335.
    The journey through the history of nursing, and its philosophical and political influences of the moment, contextualizes the interest that arose about the nurse–patient relationship after World War II. The concept has always been defined as a relationship but, from a phenomenological approach based on a historical, philosophical, psychological and sociological cosmology, it is possible to re‐conceptualize it as ‘caring interaction’. Under the vision of aesthetics and sociopoetics, the object of nursing care is the most delicate, vulnerable and (...)
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    Just Caring for Caregivers: What Society and the State Owe to Those Who Render Care.Alison Reiheld - 2015 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 1 (2):1-24.
    Traditional considerations of justice for those who require caregiving have centered on what is due to the dependent person. However, considerations of justice also bear strongly on what is due to the caregiver. I focus on unpaid dependency work, too long treated as a private matter rather than a public concern. More is owed to those who render care: the division of labor is unjust, the nature of dependency work creates vulnerabilities for caregivers, and unpaid caregivers are disadvantaged in the (...)
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    It Is Going to Be a Long Clinic Day.Salvador Cruz-Flores - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):29-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:It Is Going to Be a Long Clinic DaySalvador Cruz-FloresIt was a routine neurology clinic day. I entered the room where one of the residents was seeing a patient that we will call Patty, a 32-year-old long-standing epilepsy patient. Patty was sitting in the chair with her husband by her side. She started screaming at me, complaining that she was tired of feeling sick and unable to do anything. (...)
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    The group home as moral laboratory: tracing the ethic of autonomy in Dutch intellectual disability care.Simon van der Weele, Femmianne Bredewold, Carlo Leget & Evelien Tonkens - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):113-125.
    This paper examines the prevalence of the ideal of “independence” in intellectual disability care in the Netherlands. It responds to a number of scholars who have interrogated this ideal through the lens of Michel Foucault’s vocabulary of governmentality. Such analyses hold that the goal of “becoming independent” subjects people with intellectual disabilities to various constraints and limitations that ensure their continued oppression. As a result, these authors contend, the commitment to the ideal of “independence” – the “ethic of autonomy” – (...)
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    Just caring.Trevor Hussey - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (1):6-14.
    Social justice is concerned with fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of living together in society. Regarding nursing care, social justice is concerned with who should receive its benefits, how much they should receive, and who should take up the burden of providing and paying for it. A specific thesis is offered: ‘Health care, including nursing care, should be distributed on the basis of need, free at the point of use, the cost being born by the community involved.’ This (...)
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    Just Caring: The Challenges of Priority‐Setting in Public Health.Leonard M. Fleck - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 323–340.
    The prelims comprise: The Scope of Public Health: Challenges and Choices Health Care Justice and Public Health: When Is Enough Enough? Setting Public Health Priorities Justly: The Limits of Moral Theory References.
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